Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) From USA to India
Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) From USA to India CHAPTER NO.1: INTRODUCTION 1.0 INTRODUCTION: The business environment is changing rapidly in recent years and is affecting business all over the world. The management of various businesses are looking for a way to minimize the cost so the profit can be maximised. This will ensure business growth and sustainability. Hence many international companies are adopting the outsourcing in order to minimize the cost where there is less competence. IBM Daksh is one of the major Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) company in India where many Multi National Companies (MNC) have outsourced their business. The purpose of this proposal is to help me organise my ideas and clarify my thoughts. I would also use this proposal to convince my audience that this research proposal is feasible. My working title of the topic areas is BPO industry in India. 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY: The study investigates BPO from USA to India, a case study in IBM Daksh, how BPO has impacted on India with different perspectives. Adopting qualitative case study research method, the organizations overall business strategy will be discussed and how they outsource their non core functions to other expertise company. It will explain the integration of outsource with business strategies. This assessment is based on the actuality that BPO is emerging as a market and has become more common in European countries and it has become a comprehensive part of business deals. Analysts are estimating a remarkable revenue growth of business process outsource transactions and dreaming that IT business process outsourcing will touch reach your zenith of market. Experts predict that BPO revenue will increase 13.8 percent per year. The most accurate predictor of BPO market said that worldwide BPO industry US$7.5 million in 2009 and US$11.9 by 2012, whereas McKinsey had predicted that worldwide BPO will be US$500 billion by 2008 that almost has proven in the last 3 years. Halvey, John K (2007) defines business process outsourcing as outsourcing of one or more business processes to a third party vendor who is an expert of those functions. BPO focuses on the overall process to minimize the cost and maximize profits. As the competition grows globally, all the organizations must want to maintain a competitive edge and must function more effectively in order to sustain a position in the market. In some sense organizations want earn more revenue and want less operational cost. So in BPOs management turned over to the vendor, who in return commits to reduce costs, provide effective services and gain customer satisfaction. With the IT outsource market growth, BPO customers are looking for more productivity, improve methodologies, sharing of resources and customer satisfaction. As the global telecommunication is fastest, companies are shifting work to international vendors, although many countries have specialization in different fields. India, the core of business process outsourcing has expertise in engineering and technical services. Chinese and Mexicans are expert in manufacturing whereas U.S. analyse the business processes in an effective way along with creativity. Philippines are good in administrative skills. There is no doubt that Indian BPO industry is more favourable destination of world. Indian BPO industry has many reasons to attract European countries for investing here. India has the largest pool of workforce of low-cost technically sound, English speaking and expert in engineering. Their telecom sector has improved and meeting the U.S. outsourced call centre requirements. In addition bei ng technically sound, the Indian manpower work at lower wages in comparison to other developed countries of the world. Flexibility in working hours is another major attraction for developed countries to work in Indian BPO. It is because of different time zone and geographical conditions. Due to all these factors Indian BPO is most desirable business environment for European countries. The economic expansion of any country is very important for its growth. BPO contribution to GDP is very high gradually. For the year of 2003 the GDP contribution was 0.2, for 2003 was 0.5 and for the year 2009 was 2.5. This increased contribution to Indian GDP shows that IT-BPO industry has significant mark in the countrys economy. Due to these thousands of people get employment. 1.2 REASONS FOR CHOSING THE TOPIC: Business process outsourcing is becoming increasingly important throughout the world. BPOs may integrate the IT management and business operations at the same level; it is highly beneficial for business processes. Moreover it involves the strategy of core operations of European countries with developing countries to get beneficial of lower cost. The United States market has been above all profitable for Indian BPO companies because of the 12-hour service providence, low cost manpower and skilled expertise. Higher management have also understood that for lower operational cost, it is essential to outsource non-core function to outside expertise. For highlight this industry benefit the researcher has chosen this topic for his dissertation. 1.3 AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF RESEARCH: The main objective of this research is to introduce the business processing units. Why they need to come into existence and how they are beneficial for Indias economy. For five years every American company has its business processing units in India and they are earning huge amount. Then the researcher finds out the various drivers and challenges of Indian BPO Industry. International Business Machines (IBM) is a large company of USA. This research is to explore the reasons that why IBM has chosen India for their business process unit. The factors which are supported for India to maintaining its top position in this sector will be discussed as well. The overall objective of this dissertation is to explore the IBM Daksh which was started in 2004, its top ten BPOs of India. What are the Impacts of BPO in India in terms of economy? Because of new IBM Daksh more job opportunities are bringing in a new generation as already this BPO is serving 25,000 employees in India. How BPOs are affecti ng culture and lifestyles, educational system and Development of rural areas as new projects are going to provide job opportunities for rural area people. To achieve the aims and objectives of the study, some of the questions are below which must be met, are as follows: To explain the Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) To discuss the various drivers and challenges of Indian Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Industry To analyse the competition of India with other countries regarding Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) industry To understand the drive of Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) in India To discuss briefly about International Business Machines (IBM) To investigate why International Business Machines (IBM) has chosen India for IBM Daksh Discuss the rapid growth of IBM Daksh in India To analyse the impacts of BPO industry in India in terms of economy and Culture and life style 1.4 STATEMENT OF PROBLEMS: The literature shows that Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) industry has rapidly increased in India. The study will investigate the obstacles and challenges of Indian BPO Industry. This will also highlight the demanding drivers for Indian BPO industry. Researcher will engage looking at how the IBM has introduced their BPO in India and how these steps of organization are aligned to its strategic planning process. Moreover the impact of BPO industry over Indias economy will also be discussed. Case study discussion will explore the BPO industry in India and how India is leading in this industry. The remarkable growth of IBM Daksh will also be discussed. 1.5 IMPORTANCE OF THE STUDY: With the changing trends of business globally every large size organization emphasis on cost reduction and effective quality services. To reduce the cost, organizations delegate non-core functions of business process outside the organization. The term BPO refers to business process outsourcing and it means outsourcing in all the sectors. Technological changes are integrating businesses with new trends and BPO can be differentiated in terms of using new technology and being implemented by current one. This research is important to the research and development for the Indian BPO and IBM Daksh, and also equally important to the researcher. This study is beneficial for HR managers at IBM Daksh to look back into the procedures against retaining the talent pool. Researcher compares the Indian BPO industry with other blooming outsource countries, this will give a chance to improve industry and fill their gaps. Finally this dissertation help the researcher gain an understanding of several basic concepts in BPO and enhances his knowledge after consulting many books and journals along with online web sources. This will help the researcher gather information about upcoming threats for business process industry worldwide. It will help their management improve infrastructure and concern about security issues. 1.6 SCOPE OF THE STUDY: Throughout the world business trends are changing and Information technology is spreading over business strategies. Business process outsourcing is also fast growing industry with the high growth of IT sector globally where key players are India, China, Canada, South Africa and the Philippines. India is most beneficial IT-BPO sector in developed countries. India is retaining their customers of BPO industry by providing them with low-cost manpower, proficient in English and technically sound. They have low cost advantage as compared to other European countries. Time zone difference and 24 hours service providence is another key point of Indian BPO sector. Because of all these factors which make India more efficient and cost effective BPO centre for developed countries. IBM decided to open its BPO in India with the name of IBM Daksh. This BPO is dealing with IT help desk, procurement, human resources, after sale customer support, customer growth etc. The information gathered from this study will be beneficial for IBM Daksh management and Indian IT-BPO industry; in case they can concentrate suggested recommendations to have come up solution for talent retention. 1.7 LIMITATION OF THE STUDY: According to researcher the aims of the research have been partially achieved. The limitation of the research was that the researcher not taken interviews from the management of no concerned areas or departments of organization. Though, interviews were engaged with the outsource department of organization and employees of that BPO. Other BPOs employees of Indian industry were also interviewed by a researcher. While both the employees and the higher management at IBM Daksh were quite helpful. Along with informative interviews the document study and literature review proven very knowledge full for the researcher. Adequate in depth study was not possible due to lack of resources and time limitations. 1.8 METHODOLOGY: The researcher adopted the two approaches in order to understand the Indian BPO industry and its implications in Indian economic life. Firstly, it contains a concise literature review about Indian BPO industry and why IBM chose for Daksh. The second phase explores the reasons that why IBM chose Indian BPO industry for opening their unit. For this purpose case study methodology has been used. 1.9 ORGANIZATION OF STUDY: Chapter No. 2 (Literature Review) This chapter revolves around the business process outsourcing. Furthermore the implementation of BPO in India is described. Increasingly some challenges of Indian BPO industry and how Indian BPO industry overcome those factors. Finally, the competitors of Indian BPO industry are discussed and under case study IBM will be reviewed. Chapter No. 3 (Research Methodology) This chapter will discuss the investigative strategy for this study, what practice was used for interviews and the limitations of the interviews. In-depth personal interviews regarding study subject were conducted. Document study was also used to help the researcher. Researcher adopted a critical realist post-positivist approach. Case study methodology was used for this study. Chapter No. 4 (Analysis and Discussion of Data) This chapter explains the business process outsourcing and how India is competing with other countries in this industry. This chapter provides the quantifiable reasons of India to be standing in top position BPO industry globally. Along with this, Indian BPO industry challenges are also highlighted. How Indian BPO industry is beneficial for IBM Daksh is also mentioned in this part of study. The rapid growth of IBM Daksh and its impact on Indian economy is also provided. At last findings of the study are analysed and discussed under the light of literature. Chapter No. 5 (Conclusion and Recommendations) In this chapter researcher has provided with conclusions about this study. The aim of study has been achieved and recommendations for the organization are also here. Further research ideas are also provided by the researcher. CHAPTER NO. 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.0 INTRODUCTION: The chapter explains the BPO and an overview of Indian BPO industry, how the BPO industry is effecting on India. How it is becoming imperative for European business units, along with the benefits of BPO. Moreover this chapter discusses the IBM Daksh case study and how they choose India for their BPO industry, thereafter company gain competitive edge. Data collected from books, journals and documents on Indian BPO industry. 2.1 BUSINESS PROCESS OUTSOURCING (BPO): According to Hoboken, N.J, John Eiley (2005, pp-5) the delegation of non-core functions of particular organization to other external resource is called the Business Process Outsourcing (BPO). In other words the revolutionary and innovative telecommunication infrastructure is an essential part of this process that gives the life to business process outsourcing. Eltschinger, Cyrill (2007, pp-2-3) explains the process of transferring the business processing operations to an external service provider or resource for getting solve those functions in accountable manner is called Business Process Outsourcing (BPO). Basically this concept is derived from assign inside functions of company and delegate outside firm to handle them and get paid. Another positive impact of BPO is Value-Added Outsourcing. Why some functional area is turned over to an external source? In fact the external resource can add value to the action that becomes cost effective for the company. According to Thomas N(2005, pp-1-2)Business process outsourcing (BPO) can be explain as some of business processes goes to an external vendor within the organization. Because of fast technology, telecommunication infrastructures are ruling over old methods of communications so Business process outsourcing (BPO) initiatives often contain the transfer the work to international vendors. BPO industry is often indicated as a socio-technical industry because it clubs the technology with the social beings or human resources at a vast scale in order to reach millions of clients all over the world M. Purwar (2010, pp-4). The employees who leads the team and take initiatives must train employees regarding the technologies used in that strategy. Nontechnical managers cannot fill all expectations; they cannot reach the potential of required abilities. Outsourcing system is used in agreement for services for that are not having expertise. By outsourcing they can focus on their time, money and energy. The companies can concentrate on other core functions in a better manner. 2.1 BUSINESS PROCESS OUTSOURCING (BPO) INDUSTRY: The business environment is changing rapidly in recent years and is affecting business all over the world. The management of various businesses are looking for a way to minimize the cost so the profit can be maximised. This will ensure business growth and sustainability. Hence many international companies are adopting the outsourcing in order to minimize the cost where there is less competence. Outsourcing is a useful thought used in business and secretarial. It began in the early eighties when the management of the large organizations started to deliver their non-core functions to an external organization to get them done in a specialized way. Outsourcing was not officially recognized as a business strategy until 1989. Though, many organizations were not self-sufficient so they delegate some of their functions to outsiders. Outsourcing support services is the next stage. In the 1990s, when organizations started to concentrate on cost-saving measures, they started to outsource few functions; necessary to run a company. High level management started search for vendors and contracted with rising service companies to deliver non-core functions of company like human resources, data processing, payroll, accounts, security, plant infrastructure maintenance (Alexander Young (1996). In outsourcing, the external organization would take on the management of the outsourced function. In outsourcing, the outsourcer and the outsourcing partner have a great relationship when compared to the relationship between a buyer and a seller.In outsourcing, the outsourcer trusts the outsourcing partner with vital information. Outsourcing is no longer confined to the outsourcing of IT services. United States outsourcers now outsource financial services, engineering services, creative services, data entry services and much more. Organizations are realizing that outsourcing can lead the business as an effective business strategy towards achieve high targets. 2.3 WHY COMPANIES OUTSOURCE?: Outsourcing process is valuable to both the outsourcing company and the vendor which provides outsourcing services. In an outsourcing relationship, the vendors enable the outsourcer to reduce operating costs, increase quality of business, put less time and money and get an increment in output. Reasons behind outsourcing are below: 2.3.1 Cost cutting: According toM. Purwar (2010, pp-5) Cost controlling is done by avoiding capital outflow associated with purchase of new and upgrade current systems. These savings can be done in infrastructure, operational cost and other core areas of company. Every single U.S dollar invested in Indian BPO industry can return output of equal 10-13 U.S dollar. Vast pool of skilled employees is ready to work for fewer wages. Call centres salaries are drastically less than western countries wages. 2.3.2 Improve efficiency: Rick.L (2006, pp- 21-23) explained that most of managers spend 80% of their time to manage the processes and sort out things while 20% use for strategy developing. But in outsourcing the situation is quite different. Through outsourcing saved time spend in developing strategies, generate revenue, advertising marketing campaign and focus on customer satisfaction. Business process outsourcing enhances the abilities of employees and increase company efficiency. Such companies are able to arrest new efficiencies and improve processes. Save employees and skilled manpower could use to relocate other projects to increase productivity. 2.3.2 Expertise of Outsourced Units: Because of core functions of outsource company can save from harass of arrange training programs and recruiting expertise. BPOs provide experts opinion and skills at low rate compared to U.S and western companies. The companies who want create brand equity often invest in infrastructure and hunt talent throughout the world. Many outsourcing companies are already facilitating companies in terms of improved efficiencies. 2.3.3 Focus on core competencies: The growing competition among big giants of business world dictates that a successful company must have to maintain competitive edge to win the race. They should have immense process for keeping an eye on core competencies of company. Any company can get better performance of core non functions through outsourcing. Big companies cannot afford to spend valuable time on non-core procedures and transactions which can be handled by outside specialists. Through outsourcing companies can save time and spend that on increase revenues, develop product line and gain customer confidence. Business process outsourcing can give the privilege to the company to focus on core competencies. Because BPO takes the responsibility to back office day to day routine activities. 2.4 ADVANTAGES OF OUTSOURCING: In Eltschinger,Cyrill (2007, pp-2-3) opinion BPO enables you to redefine your business priorities, take on and perform better skills, cost effectiveness and get better result. Below are some advantages of BPO: Outsourcing enables the increased efficiency of non-core functions of business process. It becomes organization more flexible. Outsourcing helps to rationalize business processes. Due to offshore outsourcing organization can save time, money, manpower and training cost. Because of deleting some functions to external sources, organization can more concentrate internal business processes. Outsourcing enables the organization to reduce operational cost. The most beneficial part is that organization save money with respect infrastructure. Business risks may share with use of outsourcing. 2.5 DISADVANTAGES OF OUTSOURCING: The disadvantages of outsourcing are less than advantages of outsourcing but should consider before jump in this industry. Sometimes after outsourcing, company find it difficult to manage the offshore provider as compared to manage within the company. The employees of organization can show lack of interest and produce low quality work. There could be few disadvantages regarding contracts like to renew the contract, misunderstanding of contract and breech of contract. In some scenarios, it is more cost effective to conduct a business process within the company rather than outsource it. Company security and confidential documents can be in danger by outsourcing the services like payroll and tax preparation. Table: Advantages and disadvantages of Offshore 2.6 REASONS BEHIND JOINING BUSINESS PROCESS OUTSOURCING (BPO): According to M. Purwar (2010, pp-35), BPO is a very fast and growing industry which is attracting youngsters in India and growing at a rate of 40-50% rate since it started in India. In the previous few years there is high makeover in municipal youth and rapid changes the environment they live in. The remarkable growth of call centres in India is shown high graph of socioeconomic and cultural developments. Youngsters of India are ranging from their lifestyle, career, personality and language of the whole culture. No doubt this changing personality growth is leading towards their faster financial goals. They are moving towards their career milestones and attaining goals. Such attitudes compel them to join BPO industry. More reasons are listed below: Higher education is not required to join BPO, so after 12th can join BPO and start earning. Financial independence is an important reason to join BPO. Workers has gateway to better salary packages. There is no need for specific and huge amount of investment unlike other professions. Who wants to enhance their communication skills, its best opportunity for them. Especially young students need to take over their communication drawbacks. When someone is looking for good professional job, is not successful so in this meanwhile can adopt this culture. Employees having better working environment, truly international level of standard. Attractive lifestyle can attain through BPO industry earning. No technical education and skills are required for this field, so less age fellows can also start this job. Indian Government cannot deny this factor that BPO industry is beneficial for Indian youth and thousands of people has got the job due to this. Industry sustained so many people. 2.7 CHALLENGES FACED BY BUSINESS PROCESS OUTSOURCING (BPO) COMPANIES: People working in BPO assume that such jobs do only require little skills. Basic education and good interpersonal skills enables people to join BPO sector. They think high qualification and solid experience is not required for such positions. BPO companies normally hire middle age people. There is no sense of achievement among the employees. Selection of the right service provider is also considerable. When any company look for a BPO service provider, they should mind three key points: a verified track record, technical abilities and how BPO Company adds value to the task to be done. Workers are being demotivated due to high expectations of outsourcing companies. In fact in such companies employers only think about achieve their deadlines. Employers only concentrate on time delivery of work, information security, getting more clients. But still their satisfaction is quite possible in case the expectations are realistic, working environment is according to that region, employees are getting motivation and good company ethics. According to article ââ¬ËChallenges of BPO Industry (2009) that knowledge management is important element of the Indian BPO industry that is in front of challenges. Here the question arises that how such challenges cultivate in BPO companies? These challenges arise when required development procedures not being followed by BPO industry. When BPO companies do not offer new training according to changing trends and become stagnant, it is another big challenge. Lack of communication among employees in a different department may lead towards frustration, which often creates hurdle in the way of better production. Without following the proper chain of command, the actual requirement of supplier companies cannot be fulfilled. Motivation is another challenge for BPO industry companies. Employees need continues motivation. When Indian BPO companies would leave to motivate their employees they cannot sustain at top in the BPO industry. Moreover, Company higher authorities should share the goals and vision with employees. Through this employee put best input to the company procedures. It is necessary to stay in this business for a long period of time. Largest worry about BPO industry is attrition. According to analysts attrition rate of Indian BPO industry is about 30%. If the companies will not stop it seriously, they could face deficiency of professionals at high rate. According to the National Association of Software and Services Companies (NASSCOM), report the outsourcing industry could face a deficiency of 262,000 professionals by 2012. By using outsourcing many companies can lose their control because it is not easy to manage outsource activities. Employees of company lose their interest in work and trust on executives of company. Security of contracts and some confidential information sharing can create a huge problem for company management. 2.8 INDIAN BPO INDUSTRY: The past five years have seen a big bang in the Indian Business process outsourcing (BPO) industry as almost every American Company has its BPO set in India. Large companies of US are having savings by being a part of this industry. BPO as we know are the Business Process Outsourcing units which function by collecting the data provided by the companys US headquarters, analysing them and sending out the processed output back to the headquarters or to the desired venue as directed by the company. Now, BPO industry tops the list of the profitable sectors in Indian economy. According to India Business directory (2009) the BPO sectors demands are increasing from western countries, multiple reasons like due to the availability of cost-effective labour in India, who are highly skilled and also they are good in English speaking. Indias telecommunication sector gave a lofty boom of BPO industry in 1994. There was 14% registered a growth rate of BPO sector in India during the first 6 months of 2007. During the last five years the growth rate of BPO industry of India was low because of less investment from outside countries, whereas now BPO industry is viewing some optimistic signs with investments from western countries. Mr. Som Mittal, President, NASSCOM (2011)said that Indian IT-BPO industry grew by 19% to reach USD 76 billion in 2011. A strong grow is seen in the domestic market of 16 percent having Rs.789 billion revenues. Direct employment graph is also high and satisfactory which is expected to reach nearly 2.54 million, along with the addition of 240,0 00 employees. According to the same source, 54% growth rate of Indian ITES-BPO recorded during 2003-2006. During the same time period Indian BPO sector created job opportunities for around 74,450 additional personnel. By the year 2009, the ITES- BPO of Indian sector employed around 1.15 million people, along with an expected sale of US$21 to US$24 dollars. (http://indiacurrentaffairs.org/it-bpo-industry-strong-growth-with-focus-on-transformation-and-enhanced-value-proposition/) Questions may raise that why India has been chosen by so many companies to open their outsourcing units. There are many reasons for choosing India. Some of significant factors are tech savvy professionals, cost effectiveness, better competencies; improve business risk management, 24 hours customer support and economies of scale. FE bureaus (2009) explains in his article that the BPO sector in India has been the fastest growing sector, having a growth rate at a compounded annual for over 37% to aggregate revenues of US$14.8 billion in financial year 2009 of US$1.6 billion in financial year 2002. There is huge increment indirect employment for this period from 155,000 to almost 1 million people. It shows India as fastest growing sector. Thus, India has maintained its top position in the global outsourcing market. Whereas it is the time of ââ¬Å"cautious optimism,â⬠the outsourcing industry is a need to sustain its expansion for 2years because its export target is 60 billion USD for FY2012. Whistle all stakeholders are needed to put efforts to deal with the present challenges. 2.9 SWOT ANALYSIS OF INDIAN BUSINESS PROCESS OUTSOURCING (BPO) INDUSTRY: 2.9.1 Strengths: Skilled, English language benefit workforce. Affluent talent pool. Well developed IT industry. Ch
Monday, January 20, 2020
Atmosphere through Detailed Language in Snow Falling On Cedars :: Snow Falling Cedars Essays
Atmosphere through Detailed Language in Snow Falling On Cedars Snow Falling On Cedars, by David Guterson, is an emotional story. The death of a fisherman, Carl Heine, on San Piedro Island, turns into a murder trial for Japanese American, Kabuo Miyamoto. Also an inter-racial childhood romance between Ishmael Chambers and Hatsue Miyamoto shifts back and forth in time and the World War II Japanese Internment story unfolds as part of the romance. David Guterson creates atmosphere in the opening chapters through detailed language. The story is set on a pacific island where society is very small and the fishing community is very important to islanders. Guterson uses the sea, weather and landscape to describe many features in the opening chapters; this creates links between the setting and story. The use of flashbacks creates an interesting aspect to the novel. Guterson introduces the characters in very detailed portraits; this enables the reader to have a clear identity of each one. Tension is created in the courtroom through prejudice language and Guterson creates an atmospheric feeling to all court scenes. Kabuo Miyamoto is described as a criminal from the beginning of the murder trial; already the reader gets the impression that he is guilty for murdering Carl Heine. "â⬠¦.his stillness suggested a disdain for the proceedings", this shows how Kabuo is feeling a dislike towards the trial, and creates a static atmosphere for the trial ahead. Kabuo also shows that he has no respect for the court as, "â⬠¦.he sat proudly upright with a rigid grace", and he does not acknowledge anything that is going on, "â⬠¦did not appear moved at all". Throughout the detailed description of the opening court room scene we can see that the atmosphere is very tense, and creates a feeling of suffocation, "It was a place of gray-hued and bleak simplicity". Kabuo Miyamoto comes across to the reader as a sensitive individual who is taking this murder trial in his stride. David Guterson shows that Kabuo was depressed whilst, "been exhiled in the county jail for seventy seven days - the last part of September, all of October and all of November, the first week in December", here Guterson lengthens the description of how long he was in jail for and creates a sense of boredom for Kabuo. The weather and sea descriptions that Guterson uses to represent and describe many scenes, are essential as they represent the San Piedro way of life.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
UPS: How Brown Got Cool
What can brown do for you? More businesses and consumers are realizing the benefits of UPS are much more than simply delivering packages. With the brand image and symbol revamp, business has been through the roof with more people taking advantage of the offerings of UPS. UPS was ready to claim more of the market share and influence consumers to think of and use UPS for their personal delivery and business needs. The Integrated marketing communications approach was the best solution to expose all of the offerings of UPS and how much of a benefit UPS is, not only for businesses but consumers as well. UPS was determined to change their image as a company and as a brand and has had extreme success in doing so. From the transformation of the UPS symbol, to the revamped advertising methods, to the UPS Store, more of the market has found a way to utilize the services offered by UPS. Many consumers originally thought all UPS did was deliver packages and offer package tracking, but with the integrated marketing communications approach, the market is now realizing all that is offered. Multiple marketing approaches were necessary to reach a broader market. Instead of limiting the marketing to a particular group, the exposure expands with different marketing approaches. Business print, trade print, industry specific print, and radio on a local market basis helped reach the masses while advertising different services provided to appeal to everyoneââ¬â¢s needs. UPS made a conscious effort to reach five target markets which include shipping decision makers, front office decision makers, small business decision makers, senior level decision makers, and the newest target, the end consumer. For each market, the focus is on how can we help you. Offerings such as viewing and paying bills online, preparing billing reports to monitor shipping expenses, managing staffing for high volume shipping and receiving and even an online packaging advisor help to meet the needs of more people. ââ¬Å"Getting started,â⬠1994-2013) Brand recall is extremely important in business. Most businesses look at having a brand recall rate of over 50% as a positive. UPSââ¬â¢ brand recall rate is between 97 and 98 percent which is a rate that is obviously dominating the market and has a significant impact on profit, new business and repeat business. UPS has won multiple rewards and continuously earns high ratings in various fields including taking top place in Customer Loyalty Index which goes hand in hand with brand recall. For the fourth consecutive year, Brand Keys Customer Loyalty Engagement Index ranked UPS #1 in the Parcel Delivery category, citing brands best able to engage consumers and create loyal customers. â⬠(ââ¬Å"Business excellence,â⬠2013) The new slogan ââ¬Å"What can brown do for youâ⬠is indeed a catchy one but also provokes thought. The slogan paired with information on different aspects of UPS has allowed consumers and businesses to think outside of the box and utilize the services offered to help them operate more sufficiently with great ease.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Muhammad Ali - 856 Words
Throughout the history there have been many famous people who have lived in this country. Some of them were actors, politicians and even athletes. And out of them one of the them all. one of was a gifted boxer named Muhammad Ali. Ali made is first marked as an amateur, then as professional. Ali went through many hard trail in his life, and one of them will change the future. Which will alter lead him to become the greatest Muhammad Ali. Ali is one of the most famous boxer of all time. Ali has many interesting facts about his early life,amateur career, Olympics career, personal life, professional boxing career Vietnam War, and resistance to the draft. Ali became one of the most respected boxer of all time due to his accomplishment duringâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Olympic boxing team due to his boxing skills. later, Ali traveled to Rome and Italy to compete in boxing match. At the high of 6 feet 3 inches tall, Ali was an imposing figure in the ring. He was known for his powerful footwork, and powerful jab. After he won the Olympic gold medal Ali was known as an american hero. During the 1960s Ali was seemed unstoppable because he was winning all of this match with knockouts. in 1963 Ali defeated British heavyweight champion Henry Cooper and then later, He knockout Sonny Liston in 1964 to become the heavyweight champion in the world. Sometimes Ali referred himself as the Greatest Ali was a famous quoted person and in one of his quote he told the reporter that he could float like a butterfly, Sting like a bee in the boxing ring. Ali has been married four times and he has two sons and seven daughters. He met his first wife Sonji Roi about one month before. Ali married his first wife on August 14,1964. But later they divorced on January 10, 1966 due to her objection to certain muslim clothes. On August 17, 1967, Ali married Belinda Boyd. After the wedding she converted to Islam. Later, they had four children. Couple years later Ali began an affair with Veron ica Porsche and actress and model. in 1977 Alis second married was over, and he had married Veronica Porsche. At the time of their marriage they had two child. By 1986 Veronica and Ali were divorced. On november 19, 1986 Ali married hisShow MoreRelatedBiography: Muhammad Ali836 Words à |à 4 PagesCassius Marcellus Clay, Jr. also known as Muhammad Ali is a famous and a very talented boxer. He was born on January 17, 1942 in Louisville, Kentucky. Cassius, named after his father, grew up in a good home. He had both parents and was the older of two brothers. His father painted billboard and signs for a living while his mother was a stay at home mom. He was first gained interest in boxing by Louisville police officer and boxing coach Joe E. Martin, who meet the 12-year-old over a thief takingRead More Muhammad Ali Essay1624 Words à |à 7 PagesMuhammad Ali Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr. later known as Muhammad Ali, was a black boxer, and was proud of it. Many African Americans were ashamed of their color, but Ali was different. He was the first boxer to win the Heavyweight Championship 3 different times. He had a great personality and was liked by the people. During his life, he made big decisions that changed the course of his life completely. Muhammad Alis journey through life was a great inspiration for African American people, butRead MoreMuhammad Ali Essay1265 Words à |à 6 Pageswas a gifted boxer named Muhammad Ali. He made his mark as an amateur, then as a professional. The Greatest was the self-proclaimed nickname of Ali, but so many people agreed that it stuck. He went through trials and tribulations in his life, which make him a historic icon. Muhammad Ali is known for being The Greatest boxer of all time, but unlike other athletes he is remembered for his out of the ring actions as well as his athletic accomplishments. Muhammad Ali was born Cassius MercellusRead MoreMuhammad Ali Essay960 Words à |à 4 Pagesheavyweight boxing champion of the world, Muhammad Ali, spoke out powerfully and very visibly in criticizing the war and the drafting of unwilling men to fight in it. Although Ali was usually a heavy favorite in the ring, he was used to being an underdog in his life. Ali was often ridiculed for being an African American Muslim, and many didnââ¬â¢t heed either his ideas based on his religion or the color of his skin. As Thomas Hauser captured in his biography of Ali, Muhammad Ali: His Life and Times, the great athleteââ¬â¢sRead More Muhammad Ali Essay4514 Words à |à 19 PagesMuhammad Ali Cassius Clay was just a boxer. A boxer who captured the hearts of Americans while winning the 1960ââ¬â¢s Olympic gold. Here was a young man at the age of 18, representing the greatest nation on the planet and making his people proud. He would again gain the fascination of America with his defeat of the anti-hero of the time Sonny Liston. However, this hero famed across mainstream America would not last, all it would take was a man finding himself. Introducing Muhammed Ali, anotherRead MoreThe Accomplishments Of Muhammad Ali Essay2291 Words à |à 10 PagesAbstract: Muhammad Ali faced many hardships through his life and through his career. His personality, traits, and mindset shaped him to be one of the most influential athletes in history. Ali shows basic characteristics of a leader and through his continued adversities shows and promotes many theories that changed and influenced many of his followers. Through his ability to apply his big five traits and transformational leadership style he became a legendary icon. Background: Muhammad Ali was a formerRead More Muhammad Ali Essay3023 Words à |à 13 PagesMuhammad Ali1 Muhammad Ali is one of the most recognized faces on planet Earth; known not just for being one of the best fighters in the history of boxing, but for being one of the most knowledgeable persons of the twentieth century. Ali wasnt always known by that name though, he was born Cassius Marcellus Clay on January 17, 1942 in Louisville, Kentucky, him and his younger brother Rudolph had many small conflicts like any brothers would have, but they were, and still are blessed with havingRead More Muhammad Ali Is NOT a Hero Essay557 Words à |à 3 PagesMuhammad Ali Is NOT a Hero To be a hero, someone could save others, respect their country, and care. The firefighters from the Fire Department of New York have all of these characteristics, even thought they arent perfect. Everyday, they risk their lives to save others. They show their patriotism even on the trucks they drive through the cities. Most of all they dont just do it because its their job; they do it because they care. Unlike the people at FDNY, Muhammad Ali is violentRead MoreBiography of Muhammad Ali Essay1055 Words à |à 5 PagesBiography of Muhammad Ali Muhammad Ali is the Quintessential American. In his stand for religious and racial freedom, for his humility, generosity, braggadocio, deep and abiding physical and mental courage, though always larger than life -- Ali exhibited many typical and deep-rooted American traits. He struck a number of positively resonant notes in the American psyche, that make him now a revered person (Walter). Muhammad Ali is a widely known person, not only for being one of the all-timeRead MoreMuhammad Ali And George Foreman1530 Words à |à 7 PagesMuhammad Ali and George Foreman. Just the thought of these names and everyone who has watched the historical film When We Were Kings (1996) has flashbacks about Aliââ¬â¢s achievements against George Foreman, how legendary the film and the boxing match that itââ¬â¢s based upon are, and the world wide, life changing events that the film portrays about the two fighters. But there are some people out there, people such as Rodriguez, who believe that the ââ¬Å"Muhammad Aliâ⬠in the film did not portray his real life
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